Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Top Chef

I still can't believe this!!

Jason and I are avid watchers of Top Chef (on Bravo). Tonight was the reunion show for Season 3. They had a feature on their website where you can submit questions for the reunion show. Jason and I about lost it when they actually read MY question on national TV. They totally butchered the town I live in (really--is Wauseon THAT hard to pronounce?? LOL!) And, naturally, we were freaking out so much that we also missed the ANSWER to the question! LOL!

So, that's my excitement for the evening. Just thought I'd share that real quick!


Deven said...

Sweet. I think that makes you one degree away from famous, therefore I am two degrees away. I'm so proud to know you!

Kristi "Fields" Stewart said...

So YOU'RE the "Andrea from Wauseon?" :)