Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wedding is OVER! :)

This past weekend, Jason's sister Teresa got married. She asked me to take care of decorating the reception hall, so I have been busy for the past several weeks shopping for decorations and making centerpieces. We're all thrilled that it is over and the happy couple is married! :)

Here are some pictures from her big day:
This was sweet. Jeff kept looking at Teresa and would make little comments to make her giggle.
The entrance to the reception hall...
The hall. I was pretty impressed with how everything turned out. :) (Not to toot my own horn, but it turned out better than even I expected! LOL!)
The head table.
Another picture of the hall.

Their cake was actually really neat. It had a fountain under it with chutes to different levels of the cake. It was pretty cool! :)

Congrats to Teresa and Jake! (And it's nice to be able to get some rest this week! LOL!)

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